Self-training (English) | Regulate Inflammation with Micro-immunotherapy


Paid Event

Reserved for health professionals.

Contact: Christian Sohmen

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Micro-immunotherapy online academy – Inflammation: friend or foe?

Regulate Inflammation with Micro-immunotherapy: Dr Kavelara-Lodge’s Webinar Cycle Now on Classroom

Inflammation is a complex reaction of the organism to harmful stimuli or an injury. The aim is to eliminate the trigger, repair the damaged tissue and restore balance in the organism (homeostasis). This reaction is strictly coordinated and limited in time. However, the resolution of the inflammatory process can fail in some cases, whether due to constantly repeating external or internal stimuli or a misdirected immune response, among others. Then we speak of chronic inflammation, which is considered a risk factor for various chronic and degenerative diseases. 

Chronic and Degenerative Diseases: Prevention and Treatment of the Root Causes with Micro-immunotherapy

  • Part 1: Acute inflammation
  • Part 2: Chronic conditions as a result of blocked resolution and regulation
  • Part 3: Ways out of chronic conditions

The training course will enable you to:

  • Integrate micro-immunotherapy into your daily clinical practice
  • Prescribe the basic formulas


  • 95 €

Train yourself in micro-immunotherapy:

  • Study at your own rhythm and at any time of your convenience.