Micro-immunotherapy news

DetectEBV: the Epstein-Barr collaborative group is up and running

Browse the Linkedin page of the new EBV participatory movement! It is a new initiative intended to raise awareness on the importance of detecting and monitoring EBV, a virus that is involved in multiple pathologies, from cancer to autoimmune diseases and even recent disorders, as a current example comes to show. Long Covid or post Covid is referred to when the symptoms brought along by a Covid-19 infection have not disappeared even after 4 to 12 weeks.

Researchers now associate pronounced post Covid symptoms with the Epstein-Barr virus #detectEBV. This pathogen can trigger mononucleosis and most people carry it. In our view, increased attention should be paid to micro-immunotherapy as an option for treating Long Covid, especially because of our longstanding experience in the treatment of Epstein-Barr-virus infections.

Want to learn about other pathologies associated with EBV or listen to the testimonials of patients or their relatives affected by EBV? Discover interesting information at DetectEBV LinkedIn profile and visit our EBV section.